In my humble opinion....
While I do believe that a church can be in the homes (esp for those countries where people are persecuted like in the time of the apostles, which was very strategic in multiplication btw), it doesn't mean that it can't be in a big congregation.
The church has become so vast in numbers that gathering in a big congregation is inevitable. But what is important is we gather together, no matter how big it is. Needless to say, we are not supposed to be divided by backyard churches or denominations. We are one body of Jesus.
In our little denomination for example, we gather for a church service to worship God corporately, but we also come for small groups or Bible study -- to strengthen one another. This is because one pastor alone can't minister to each one of us.
Systems have been created along the way, and these were created to efficiently tend the flocks.
We see it from the wisdom Jethro gave to Moses in Exodus 18.
While I do believe that there are those who have not been faithful in their call, but I can't say the same for all church leaders. This is between them and God, and not for me to judge. But there are faithful ones. There are many believers that grow in the Lord by attending corporate worship under these faithful leaders' care. So, by the fruits, we can tell that there's nothing wrong with gathering in a congregation.
Wherever it is that makes us closer to Jesus and discipled, I believe that's where we belong. ♥♥♥