The way is narrow. It requires sacrifice, obedience, carrying one's cross and full surrender. Not all of us are willing to pay. That's why Jesus said, "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it."
But all of these, we can do - by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us - when we come to God boldly and just ask His help to overcome the flesh, the temptations and the world. And that's the good news. Jesus want no alibis nor excuses, for whatever we are struggling with, by God's grace, we can overcome over it by the cross. If only we truly repent and surrender. And this is because of our faith. Faith requires obedience - because if we truly believe then we will obey.
And this is for all of us, no matter what our struggles, sins, and conditions are. Today is the day of salvation. May God give us strength.